Hey guys! Long time no see =)
I've been very busy and have exciting news to share in due time but meanwhile I'd like to show you something about Keynote.
So there I was, last Saturday, at an interesting conference for ophthalmic nurses when one presentation really hooked me; it didn't catch my attention only because of the subject, it was rather the presentation itself. This doctor had a sort of a poster as presentation with several pieces of information in it. Every time she clicked on the mouse the presentation would enlarge one of the pieces of information and she'd talk about it, then it would go back to the poster before enlarging another piece of information. And the movement was so fluid and natural!
I've been out of school for 5 years now and I'm a bit rusty in this IT presentation business so I thought hers was amazing! I had to find out what it was she was using. As it normally happens, I didn't need looking for it, it came to me. Today I opened my Apple Keynote by mistake and found out exactly what caught my eye the other day. Brilliant! I was looking on youtube for videos on how to use it and found this one, it's very useful I must say, if you want to achieve that same fluid natural movement.
Let's share it then! Good presentations, everyone =)

I am a portuguese girl lost in Your Majesty's green and grey lands. I love magic and fiction and whatever is related to both. My blog's title was inspired in the story Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll) which I adore. I am a bit materialistic and love simple beautiful things, which means those things are probably ancient (victorian, egyptian, etc.) or crafts/handmade. Thanks for visiting, hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Hey guys!
So I completely forgot about my blog =S how embaracing... But time flew! Honestly, seems only yesterday it was Xmas time and I was in Portugal and I'm already going back there again. Hopefully I will escape the freezing weather that is supposed to be coming this way. Yey!
Have you done your New Year's resolutions list? I ain't got one but I got a few wishes I want to fulfill this year. Portugal, Algarve, Paris... Harry Potter's Studio Tours!!!! I am so excited about this year's projects, justo hope they'll go well. Mum's coming to the UK for the first time as well! That should be really really good =) August, come quickly, will you please?
The reason I am posting today is because, for once, I remembered it, and as well because I just made this cute little cross stitch project that I loved and want to share. If you're a crazy cross stitcher and you're on the internet all the time looking for projects then you will probably know this one. If you aren't then feel free to copy from my photo. Ain't it nice and lovely??
Para terminar fica o a nova música do Filipe Pinto - Insónia!!
Monday, 5 December 2011
More bibs, more movies!
Hello, folks!
Hope you had at least a weekend as nice as mine! Promissed some photos so... here we go!
Winter Wonderland 28.11.11
(The first and last photos were actually taken near the London Eye, the others were taken at Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park.)
I have to say I enjoyed it veeeery much, mainly because some months have passed since I last saw Filipa, so it was very nice to be with her again. And it was really cool to meet a new portuguese adventurer too =)
The Winter Wonderland wasn't necessarily packed up but for a monday many people were around. We didn't see any circus or anything acting, which I would have enjoyed if we had a bit more time. After that we went through Piccadilly, Leicester Square, Trafalgar Square and London Eye area to look for the Xmas lights, which were surprisingly rare in most places. Saving the tax money?
Last saturday I went to the mythical Charles Dickens Christmas Festival and Market. Loved it!!! The people dressed up, the carols, the street plays, the handmade crafts, the mulled wine and cider, chestnuts, the cupcakes (cupcakes!!!), winter hats (got myself one!) and soooooooooo much more! And the snow!!! Fake, but still. What a lovely lovely day! Thank you, Marion, for the company! I would have gone alone anyway but wouldn't be half as good. Oh, and the lovely indian food!! Amazing restaurant! (and cheap too!) Photos? Oh yeah, almost forgot =P
Ok, so this lovely place across the river Medway is Rochester, a small place full of history! It's got a more or less well preserved castle (which I kept promissing all summer I would visit and ended up not doing it) and this town is home to some places that inspired Charles Dickens, specialy the Poor Travellers House. I promissed myself I'd read all of Dickens stories but I haven't yet!! Do not trust my promisses =|
Doesn't it look nice? They had the Mistletoe Ball the night before but unfortunately it would be very expensive to attend as a last minute thing, so next year it will have to be very well planned indeed, don't want to miss a ball were I can dress up as a true lady, sweeping the floor with a long beautiful vintage dress!
Changing the subject, I fell in love with two movies and a serie these past two weeks. Won't talk about them much as it is late now, but will leave the sugestions.
First: One Day. What a lovely movie! The name doesn't sugest much but it makes sense when you watch it. The action takes place on July 15 but in several different years, so you have an idea of what the characters were doing in the same day, year after year. Quite an interesting idea to develop the romance. http://movies.nytimes.com/2011/08/19/movies/one-day-directed-by-lone-scherfig-review.html
Second: The Help. Marvellous!! I absolutely adored it! It's funny, exciting, sad, very emotional... I wonder if the book is even better... as it often happens to be in other cases. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Help_(film)
Third: A Gifted Man. Started watching this weekend and got hooked. The thing is, I love neurosurgery and the supernatural, and this series has a bit of both. Loving it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1820742/
Last! But no least. My crafts!
I'll leave you with a very well known video!
Merry nearly Christmas!!!
Hope you had at least a weekend as nice as mine! Promissed some photos so... here we go!
Winter Wonderland 28.11.11
(The first and last photos were actually taken near the London Eye, the others were taken at Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park.)
I have to say I enjoyed it veeeery much, mainly because some months have passed since I last saw Filipa, so it was very nice to be with her again. And it was really cool to meet a new portuguese adventurer too =)
The Winter Wonderland wasn't necessarily packed up but for a monday many people were around. We didn't see any circus or anything acting, which I would have enjoyed if we had a bit more time. After that we went through Piccadilly, Leicester Square, Trafalgar Square and London Eye area to look for the Xmas lights, which were surprisingly rare in most places. Saving the tax money?
Last saturday I went to the mythical Charles Dickens Christmas Festival and Market. Loved it!!! The people dressed up, the carols, the street plays, the handmade crafts, the mulled wine and cider, chestnuts, the cupcakes (cupcakes!!!), winter hats (got myself one!) and soooooooooo much more! And the snow!!! Fake, but still. What a lovely lovely day! Thank you, Marion, for the company! I would have gone alone anyway but wouldn't be half as good. Oh, and the lovely indian food!! Amazing restaurant! (and cheap too!) Photos? Oh yeah, almost forgot =P
Ok, so this lovely place across the river Medway is Rochester, a small place full of history! It's got a more or less well preserved castle (which I kept promissing all summer I would visit and ended up not doing it) and this town is home to some places that inspired Charles Dickens, specialy the Poor Travellers House. I promissed myself I'd read all of Dickens stories but I haven't yet!! Do not trust my promisses =|
Doesn't it look nice? They had the Mistletoe Ball the night before but unfortunately it would be very expensive to attend as a last minute thing, so next year it will have to be very well planned indeed, don't want to miss a ball were I can dress up as a true lady, sweeping the floor with a long beautiful vintage dress!
Changing the subject, I fell in love with two movies and a serie these past two weeks. Won't talk about them much as it is late now, but will leave the sugestions.
First: One Day. What a lovely movie! The name doesn't sugest much but it makes sense when you watch it. The action takes place on July 15 but in several different years, so you have an idea of what the characters were doing in the same day, year after year. Quite an interesting idea to develop the romance. http://movies.nytimes.com/2011/08/19/movies/one-day-directed-by-lone-scherfig-review.html
Second: The Help. Marvellous!! I absolutely adored it! It's funny, exciting, sad, very emotional... I wonder if the book is even better... as it often happens to be in other cases. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Help_(film)
Third: A Gifted Man. Started watching this weekend and got hooked. The thing is, I love neurosurgery and the supernatural, and this series has a bit of both. Loving it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1820742/
Last! But no least. My crafts!
I'll leave you with a very well known video!
Merry nearly Christmas!!!
Charkes Dickens,
Christmas Market,
cross stitch,
One Day,
The Gifted Man,
The Help,
Winter Wonderland
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Cinema, tv, bibs and felt!
Hi there!
So I've been a bit lazy lately, or maybe just busy (wishful thinking...)! I have been doing some cross stitch, not much, but forgot to take a photo of one of them and now it's sold already =( So here's a photo of another one I've done a couple months ago:
Isn't it gorgeous? =) I looooved it.
So, since Red Hot Chili Peppers, there hasn't been much adventure filling my days. Home - work - home... But tomorrow I'm supposed to go to Winter Wonderland up in London! Last time I was there you could already feel a bit of Xmas around with the street Xmas lights up but it wasn't quite right yet. It was too soon anyway. This Winter Wonderland happens in Hyde Park (I didn't know that) and has a giant wheel (I'm sure you can't compare it to London Eye, though), circus, ice ring... It's supposed to be really cool! I'll take some photos and come back to you on that. Too bad the payment before Xmas was rubbish, can't spend much, won't have much fun.
The following weekend there's a Charles Dickens festival up in Rochester (not too far from where I live) and it's delightful for people like me who adore books, traditions and lifestyles from 200 years ago. Again, I'll come back to you on that, I'm really exited about it!
Speaking of 200 years lifestyles, I've rewatched a series that I absolutely love: Downton Abbey. If you're a Jane Austen fan I recomend this series, though it's from a different time, as is happens in the early 1900's and Austen is over a century older than that. In the first season you get to know a family with money who lives in an abbey in England and it surprisingly starts when Titanic sinks. I enjoyed the connection, I must say. And it must have been a big deal at the time as the Titanic left Southampton (south coast, again, not too far from here) and the majority of the people on board must have been english. Anyway, as the tragedy happens the family loses their heir and it starts a search for the next one, as the family only had girls and only a man can inherit. So if you think a rich family couldn't have much in their minds troubling them, think again. I found it so funny the idea that they didn't work and therefore were completely alienated to the word "Weekend" lol. Dame Maggie Smith plays a brilliant role, ever so good as an actress, always a pleasure to watch! Downton Abbey has a classification of 9.1 (!!!) in the IMDB. Check it out: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001749/
Ah, by the way, season two starts with the First World War and how the traditional family and the country adapt to such event. I can barely wait for season three.
Oh my gosh, I almost forgot! I went to watch Breaking Dawn the day after it was released. Sat beside a 11 year-old couple girls who wouldn't stop giggling everythime Bella and Edward kissed but, hey ho, the joys of going to a full cinema are precisely these. I adored the movie! To me this was the best one so far and I don't think Part 2 will be better, purely because all the best emotional parts are gone, with the wedding and the pregnancy over. I have to say they've done a brilliant job making Bella look ill and miserable. Movies are so much better with computer software! And Taylor was just good in the entire thing. I dare say he's becoming a good actor. After Water for Elephants (watch! it's brilliant) I got a different image of Robert Pattinson and started enjoying him as Edward, which I didn't before. If you get to read the books you get to understant Edward more as well and see that Robert does play it well, it's just that the movies don't let you see the real Edward, which is annoying.
From Edward to... Stefan! I'm sorry, I started on a subject I'm passionate about and now I can't stop! Let me just say this one thing...
Have you been watching the Vampire Diaries? Now there's another series I love. Anyway, the writer of the Vampire Diaries has another series of books which are being converted to tv series. It's called The Secret Circle, it's abouth teenage witches and it's good. Take a look and let me know what you think!
And from television back to my hobbies again. I have a felt project involving cows that is finaly taking form and soon I'll be able to show you some of it and how it's supposed to look like at the end. I took the idea from another blog which I'll indicate here as well. My allergies have been bothering me all week and I'm trying to stay away from cloth and felt as much as I can, but another set of requests will get me back to my cross stitch today. Two bibs to do, one to finish and an astral sign to finish as well. Let's see how far I get today. If I'm not called to any emergency at the hospital should be fine.
So that's me for today. Thanks for reading! xx
So I've been a bit lazy lately, or maybe just busy (wishful thinking...)! I have been doing some cross stitch, not much, but forgot to take a photo of one of them and now it's sold already =( So here's a photo of another one I've done a couple months ago:
Isn't it gorgeous? =) I looooved it.
So, since Red Hot Chili Peppers, there hasn't been much adventure filling my days. Home - work - home... But tomorrow I'm supposed to go to Winter Wonderland up in London! Last time I was there you could already feel a bit of Xmas around with the street Xmas lights up but it wasn't quite right yet. It was too soon anyway. This Winter Wonderland happens in Hyde Park (I didn't know that) and has a giant wheel (I'm sure you can't compare it to London Eye, though), circus, ice ring... It's supposed to be really cool! I'll take some photos and come back to you on that. Too bad the payment before Xmas was rubbish, can't spend much, won't have much fun.
The following weekend there's a Charles Dickens festival up in Rochester (not too far from where I live) and it's delightful for people like me who adore books, traditions and lifestyles from 200 years ago. Again, I'll come back to you on that, I'm really exited about it!
Speaking of 200 years lifestyles, I've rewatched a series that I absolutely love: Downton Abbey. If you're a Jane Austen fan I recomend this series, though it's from a different time, as is happens in the early 1900's and Austen is over a century older than that. In the first season you get to know a family with money who lives in an abbey in England and it surprisingly starts when Titanic sinks. I enjoyed the connection, I must say. And it must have been a big deal at the time as the Titanic left Southampton (south coast, again, not too far from here) and the majority of the people on board must have been english. Anyway, as the tragedy happens the family loses their heir and it starts a search for the next one, as the family only had girls and only a man can inherit. So if you think a rich family couldn't have much in their minds troubling them, think again. I found it so funny the idea that they didn't work and therefore were completely alienated to the word "Weekend" lol. Dame Maggie Smith plays a brilliant role, ever so good as an actress, always a pleasure to watch! Downton Abbey has a classification of 9.1 (!!!) in the IMDB. Check it out: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001749/
Ah, by the way, season two starts with the First World War and how the traditional family and the country adapt to such event. I can barely wait for season three.
Oh my gosh, I almost forgot! I went to watch Breaking Dawn the day after it was released. Sat beside a 11 year-old couple girls who wouldn't stop giggling everythime Bella and Edward kissed but, hey ho, the joys of going to a full cinema are precisely these. I adored the movie! To me this was the best one so far and I don't think Part 2 will be better, purely because all the best emotional parts are gone, with the wedding and the pregnancy over. I have to say they've done a brilliant job making Bella look ill and miserable. Movies are so much better with computer software! And Taylor was just good in the entire thing. I dare say he's becoming a good actor. After Water for Elephants (watch! it's brilliant) I got a different image of Robert Pattinson and started enjoying him as Edward, which I didn't before. If you get to read the books you get to understant Edward more as well and see that Robert does play it well, it's just that the movies don't let you see the real Edward, which is annoying.
From Edward to... Stefan! I'm sorry, I started on a subject I'm passionate about and now I can't stop! Let me just say this one thing...
Have you been watching the Vampire Diaries? Now there's another series I love. Anyway, the writer of the Vampire Diaries has another series of books which are being converted to tv series. It's called The Secret Circle, it's abouth teenage witches and it's good. Take a look and let me know what you think!
And from television back to my hobbies again. I have a felt project involving cows that is finaly taking form and soon I'll be able to show you some of it and how it's supposed to look like at the end. I took the idea from another blog which I'll indicate here as well. My allergies have been bothering me all week and I'm trying to stay away from cloth and felt as much as I can, but another set of requests will get me back to my cross stitch today. Two bibs to do, one to finish and an astral sign to finish as well. Let's see how far I get today. If I'm not called to any emergency at the hospital should be fine.
So that's me for today. Thanks for reading! xx
Breaking Dawn,
cross stitch,
Downton Abbey,
The Secret Circle,
Vampire Diaries
Friday, 21 October 2011
"To infinity, and beyond!"
Hi there! So I've been very busy with work this week, trying unsuccessfully to study in between...but still had time to finish yet another bib! Here it goes! It was the first time I've used these space related graphics and was afraid it wouldn't work well but I'm very pleased with the result, what do you think?
I got the most special letter in the mail today, take a look to the contents!
I'm so excited! Saw Linkin Park last year and honestly I like them so much that would gladly see them again instead. Still, hope it will be great. My bro's coming with me =)
Changing the subject, I'm a fan of Marvel comics being transformed into movies, Spiderman was amazingly well done, I think, and they're developing some very good movies. Watched Thor, didn't think it was so great but liked it anyway... I loved Green Lantern, was really nice, and last night started watching Captain America, and was so tired that fell asleep in the middle. Still, I really liked what I watched and the idea of the man he was before he had all his strength and power... all brave and honest no matter what the consequences. There ain't people like that no more.
I'm very busy this weekend (got a very good friend visiting) and won't have time for crafts but maybe next week will have somethingto post.
By the way, remember that problemlast week? All sorted =) no damage done.
I got the most special letter in the mail today, take a look to the contents!
I'm so excited! Saw Linkin Park last year and honestly I like them so much that would gladly see them again instead. Still, hope it will be great. My bro's coming with me =)
Changing the subject, I'm a fan of Marvel comics being transformed into movies, Spiderman was amazingly well done, I think, and they're developing some very good movies. Watched Thor, didn't think it was so great but liked it anyway... I loved Green Lantern, was really nice, and last night started watching Captain America, and was so tired that fell asleep in the middle. Still, I really liked what I watched and the idea of the man he was before he had all his strength and power... all brave and honest no matter what the consequences. There ain't people like that no more.
I'm very busy this weekend (got a very good friend visiting) and won't have time for crafts but maybe next week will have somethingto post.
By the way, remember that problemlast week? All sorted =) no damage done.
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Another type of therapy...
Have you noticed how often one single thing can ruin your day? My last friday was just like that. I hate being sad, really do, and I'm never enthusiastically happy either but halfway is good for me. Music is my therapy, really, that and a good romance (movie, quicker than the books though often not better!) to cry my eyes out with. Well, it was a working day and I was, well, at work, so I couldn't listen to anything. Thankfully Waiting for the End from the amazing Linkin Park kept my mind busy when I wasn't thinking about work. Such a big help! I relate the music with my life anyway which helps. And I kept thinking about all the disasters in the world and how my problem was so very little...helps too. And then I fought all my will to stay at home and went out. Ended up being a very nice weekend, and I found octopus and salted cod fish being sold in the UK for the first time in nearly two years and it feels like Xmas! If I had let that sadness overcome everything else (as I often do) I'd be crappy by now and nothing good that happened this weekend would have happened. I also keep thinking about the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert next month and Xmas at home...I wish time would fly and freeze on those happy days! It doesn't thought so I'm back to my music therapy and my cross sitch. Got something new today.
How cute is this one? =) Finished it yesterday and I'm finishing another one today. Working well! Thinking about taking on a big project...usualy takes me years!
Now, these are two of my felt projects, made them in March/April and haven't done anything else yet. I really enjoyed doing it as it graciously takes form and is nice to see the evolution. The rabbit with the bag was for my godson by Easter time, I've put some chocolate eggs inside the pocket =P The cheeks and the rose part of the ears are made with make-up. This was another idea taken from a blog which I would mention if I still had the address.
This Hello Kitty was initially an experiment but ended up making a little girl very happy. It's a bag as well though the felt is delicate and can't support too much weight. I've put a lollypop inside this one =P I really want to finish my cows and show you! Will take a while though.
Bye!! Have fun, be happy!! xx
How cute is this one? =) Finished it yesterday and I'm finishing another one today. Working well! Thinking about taking on a big project...usualy takes me years!
Now, these are two of my felt projects, made them in March/April and haven't done anything else yet. I really enjoyed doing it as it graciously takes form and is nice to see the evolution. The rabbit with the bag was for my godson by Easter time, I've put some chocolate eggs inside the pocket =P The cheeks and the rose part of the ears are made with make-up. This was another idea taken from a blog which I would mention if I still had the address.
This Hello Kitty was initially an experiment but ended up making a little girl very happy. It's a bag as well though the felt is delicate and can't support too much weight. I've put a lollypop inside this one =P I really want to finish my cows and show you! Will take a while though.
Bye!! Have fun, be happy!! xx
Thursday, 13 October 2011
2nd post =P
Hi! So this week I watched two very good movies (well, actually three but The Island is from a few years back - and absolutely great btw) Midnight Paris and The Black Book (ZwartBoek - it's dutch). The first one is about a writer from our timeline who adores Paris, especially the 20's, and, one night, he finds himself a bit drunk and lost and, at midnight, a car passes by and invites him in, taking him to meet his idols (S. Fitzgerald, Pablo Picasso, Hemingway...). I really enjoyed it although I don't know the real history behind the characters of the story, so I think whoever knows their work better will love the movie so...get your hands on it! Worth it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1605783/
The Black Book is about a jewish young woman during WWII who loses her entire family in a horrible way and starts working for the resistance between the nazi people. This is based in a real story and I wish I knew how real it was as I really consider her a hero. I could never go through such sadness and humiliation and still get up and run, fight for life, for freedom. Two hours worth watching, I do think it's really good. It's from 2006, here's the IMDB page http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0389557/ .
Changing the subject, now that I am back from my holidays, I need to get my hands on my projects. Still have a few bibs ordered that I need to finish, and then will get cracking on my Xmas projects, which I'll be posting, of course. I also have a cow mobile thing to finish, got the felt cuts already done, only need to put them together, stuff them and sew! Here's a photo of my cow cuts and some of my craft materials. The others are in boxes, under the bed! I still don't have a lot but I'm slowly building up a craft room in my bedroom.
Here's also a photo of the bibs I brought from Portugal to get stitching =) And I owe little Bradley one for Xmas as I promissed. Will be posting pics.
I buy most my craft materials from ebay or Hobbycraft, here's the link: http://www.hobbycraft.co.uk/ . Somethings are a bit expensive but always good quality for what I can say. And I have one big store just 15min walking from home! How great is that?
To finalize for today, here's a picture from a lovely work I've done for a newborn baby back in 2009 while I was waiting to be placed in the UK. It's one of the works I'm most pround of and one of the loveliest ones. It was framed in the end with a beautiful result. You can see some fairies flying around a castle and a carriage; the newborn baby's information were included (name, D.O.B., height, weight, astrological sign...) as requested. And it should be in tones of pink! And so it was. It's adorable!
My charts for cross stitching I get mostly from the internet, I spend hours every now and again looking for stuff... Baby materials are obviously my favourites!
That's it for today. Bye! xx
The Black Book is about a jewish young woman during WWII who loses her entire family in a horrible way and starts working for the resistance between the nazi people. This is based in a real story and I wish I knew how real it was as I really consider her a hero. I could never go through such sadness and humiliation and still get up and run, fight for life, for freedom. Two hours worth watching, I do think it's really good. It's from 2006, here's the IMDB page http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0389557/ .
Changing the subject, now that I am back from my holidays, I need to get my hands on my projects. Still have a few bibs ordered that I need to finish, and then will get cracking on my Xmas projects, which I'll be posting, of course. I also have a cow mobile thing to finish, got the felt cuts already done, only need to put them together, stuff them and sew! Here's a photo of my cow cuts and some of my craft materials. The others are in boxes, under the bed! I still don't have a lot but I'm slowly building up a craft room in my bedroom.
Here's also a photo of the bibs I brought from Portugal to get stitching =) And I owe little Bradley one for Xmas as I promissed. Will be posting pics.
Oh, and look what I found on ebay! Aren't they cute?? I just love ebay, you can find anything in there, from last technology to great little handmade stuff, full of love! I found these ones and couldn't resist =) still don't know what I'm gonna use them for but I'll find something I'm sure.
I buy most my craft materials from ebay or Hobbycraft, here's the link: http://www.hobbycraft.co.uk/ . Somethings are a bit expensive but always good quality for what I can say. And I have one big store just 15min walking from home! How great is that?
To finalize for today, here's a picture from a lovely work I've done for a newborn baby back in 2009 while I was waiting to be placed in the UK. It's one of the works I'm most pround of and one of the loveliest ones. It was framed in the end with a beautiful result. You can see some fairies flying around a castle and a carriage; the newborn baby's information were included (name, D.O.B., height, weight, astrological sign...) as requested. And it should be in tones of pink! And so it was. It's adorable!
My charts for cross stitching I get mostly from the internet, I spend hours every now and again looking for stuff... Baby materials are obviously my favourites!
That's it for today. Bye! xx
Black Book,
cross stitch,
Midnight in Paris
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